Journal of Forensic Science and Research | ISSN: 2575-0186


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  Grievances Policy

Journal of Forensic Science and Research Grievances policy clearly states that the contribution of every author in should be credited as well as it is

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  Copyright and Publishing Rights

All the articles published in the Journal of Forensic Science and Research is Open Access and the Copyright for the articles are retained by the autho

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  Refund Policy

The policies followed by Journal of Forensic Science and Research are transparent and keep in mind the welfare of its author while keeping the interes

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  About Journal

Journal of Forensic Science and Research is a distinct division of Health Care Sector, which takes care of physical fitness and injuries associated wi

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Alessandro Bonsignore

Alessandro Bonsignore

University of Genoa, Italy.

Steven A. Koehler

Steven A. Koehler

University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, United States.

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