
Review Article

Dental Age Estimation using the Cameriere Method in Different Countries: A Review

Desprika Youhana Sitio*, Ghora March Eka Solehuddin and Grace Sisilia Panjaitan

Published: 10 September, 2024 | Volume 8 - Issue 1 | Pages: 035-039

Age estimation is an essential aspect of profile building in forensic investigations. Age estimation using teeth is one of the exciting applications of Forensic Odontology because teeth can survive post-mortem damage, so it is considered more suitable for age estimation. This study aims to estimate the age of individuals using the Cameriere method on teeth in various countries. The approach used in this research is a literature review study design compiled based on the Preferred Reporting System for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines from several articles with a period from 2007-2024. Scientific articles that meet the criteria will be analyzed using the Cameriere method to estimate the age of individuals. The search yielded 222 studies and only 12 scientific articles that met the requirements from the specified articles obtained. The population represents countries from various countries. The sample was in the age range of 4 years - 16 years. The results showed that the Cameriere method can be used to estimate the age of individuals quite accurately in various countries. However, there were some differences in accuracy between countries when using this method.

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Age estimation; Cameriere method; Teeth; Forensic odontology


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