
Research Article

Why Down-managing Backlog Forensic DNA Case Entries Matters

JH Smith* and JS Horne

Published: 22 March, 2024 | Volume 8 - Issue 1 | Pages: 001-008

Forensic laboratories face a backlog of case files, affecting service delivery, causing delays. The backlog points to underfunding, poor planning, and inadequate support, hindering deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) analysis. Resolving casework backlogs may initially seem like a straightforward and attainable measure to improve the arrest of offenders and promote justice. Longer turnaround times impede investigative leads, emphasising the need for efficient strategies and a comprehensive approach to address and prevent backlogs in forensic laboratories. No study has been published on the forensic DNA backlogs in South Africa. The article explicitly addresses one aspect of a Doctor of Philosophy study and aims to ascertain the impact of backlogs in forensic DNA case entries. The study article’s research questions included the following: “What cases are considered as backlog?”; “What is the current backlog in forensic DNA case entries in South Africa?” and “What are the main reasons for the backlog of cases involving forensic DNA?” The prompt processing of DNA evidence is vital not only for safeguarding individuals falsely accused of crimes based on circumstantial evidence but also for aiding prosecutors and providing justice for crime victims.

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Backlogs; Forensic DNA examinations; Investigations


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